Lately I've been seeing a lot of jam lists locally that try to trap their opponents right outside their deployment zone. I've been curious what in Skorne could replicate that effect or potentially counter it and the result is below. It's heavily Skorne good stuff, but it all ties together:
55 / 55 (50+5) Warlock(s) : 1/1 Warbeast(s) : 3 Battle Engines : 0 Solos : 4 Units : 4
Dominar Rasheth - WB: +5
- Titan Gladiator - PC: 7
- Bronzeback Titan - PC: 9
- Bronzeback Titan - PC: 9
Paingiver Task Master - PC: 2
Paingiver Task Master - PC: 2
Agonizer - PC: 2
Agonizer - PC: 2
Gatorman Posse - Leader & 4 Grunts: 9
Gatorman Posse - Leader & 4 Grunts: 9
Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 2
Farrow Bone Grinders - Leader & 3 Grunts: 2
THEME: Chain Gang - Tier 4
So my agonizers start with 3 fury, each Gatorman Posse gets +2SPD the first turn and I gain an additional 2" deployment, which I've found to be fairly huge for Skorne. This means if I go first the Gators can be 23" up the field and if I go second they can charge living enemy models 26" up the field.
Initially I had a Sentry instead of one of the BBs but the Gators should provide a fairly effective screen for the BBs. The BBs can clear zones and threaten a counter charge to stop a single model contesting.
The farrow bone grinders are completely extra points. The extra range for spell casting may very well be worthwhile or the animus when my gladiator dies.
Knowing Skorne I wouldn't be surprised if the very same list(+/- 3ish points) has already been played and talked about.
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