56 / 56 (50+6) Warcaster(s) : 1/1 Warjack(s) : 3 Battle Engines : 0 Solos : 2 Units : 2
Dawnlord Vyros - WJ: +6
- Hyperion - PC: 18
Dawnguard Sentinels - Leader & 9 Grunts: 9
- Sentinel Officer & Standard - PC: 0
- Daemon - PC: 9
Dawnguard Sentinels - Leader & 9 Grunts: 9
- Sentinel Officer & Standard - PC: 2
- Daemon - PC: 9
THEME: Legions of the Dawn - Tier 2
I actually knocked out a game with the above list and rather enjoyed it. 22 Vengeance Weaponmasters is not something I get to play around with in Skorne. Imperitus should be taking the place of the Hyperion but he is missing pieces.
What really surprised me was how threatening it can be. Hyperion is 14" up the table the first turn and both Daemons can run and then pronto. I thought I would be using the pronto more to yo-yo but it is an incredible threat extender on the Daemons gun, which turned out to be super effective.
Arcanists really need to fit in the the list somewhere but I'm just not sure where. I can drop one, or both units to min but that is lame with vengeance units. The only saving grace there is I could drop both units to min, add two arcanists and then add 2 Souless to each unit. The Soulless still trigger Vengeance and it gives the army a weird anti-magic trick.
I think that you should wait to change out the colossal for Imperitus before trying to squeeze more out of the jack marshals and infantry. That is a lot of points that you will be freeing up.