Monday, August 10, 2015

Reckoning Review

A review of Reckoning. The follow metric will be used:

5 – Great

One of the strongest models in the game: it’s powerful and always useful. It’s surprising to see a list that doesn’t play this in-faction.

4 – Good

A good model that sees plenty of play. It’s not necessarily the best choice for every list, but you can put it in your list and know that it will do something for you.

3 – Playable

You can’t just throw this model in any list and expect it to do something for you, but it can be good in the right context.

2 – Weak

This model isn’t good enough to be worth playing. The list it fits tightly into are not well suited for competitive play. The stars might align such that it fits into a competitive list, but even then it’s generally worse than a more straightforwardly good card.

1 – Bad

This model sucks.


Hailey 3

DG - 4

Not as strong as the Cygnar top tier but a well designed caster with some real depths. Is a well designed caster in that the best way to spend her focus isn't completely obvious. This is a rarity from the modern PP.

BW - 5

She isn't as overpowered as a Ghotvanah or Bradigus but the sheer variety and versatility of what she can do will make her a powerhouse due to the high skill cap in the right hands. Similar to Haley 2 but with a better long game giving Cygnar players another strong option for attrition

JP - 3

Major Haley is very interesting warcaster unit consisting of her primary present self, and echoes of her past and future selves. This Haley is the first warcaster of that name that looks neither boring as fuck to play, nor a completely and infuriatingly negative play experience for your opponent. She boasts an interesting range of spells that seem to encourage the use of underplayed options from within the faction. Her drawback is her complexity, it looks like it will be easy to get lost in the sauce for novice and journeyman Cygnar players alike and the layered rules interactions for replicate, incorporeal, control area, and arc nodes will require some very solid rules understanding. I expect to see quite a bit of the newest Haley, but at the end of the day she is less powerful in scenario than her epic version.


DG - 4

A strong all around jack. Gun has real potential with either a constant accuracy buff and/or a damage buff. Incredible with Nemo.

BW - 4

Just plane amazing - been out for a while now so not a whole lot to report. The fact that he shows up in non Nemo lists just tells you about his power level. Only thing holding him back is the power level of the casters that want him. Hopefully Nemo 3 will become more of a thing and this guy will be one of the primary reasons for that.

JP - 4

Dynamo is a genuinely good warjack that transforms into a monster when run by Nemo. Performs primarily as a shooting platform, but under Nemo he becomes a switch hitting melee powerhouse. Dynamo is only rated a 4 due to his full potential being locked to 3 warcasters.


DG - 2

Triumph II: The Triumphing, Hunter Edition.

BW - 3

Interesting - Good with Caine so he will see some play but otherwise an overpriced hunter. Expensive delivery system for anyone other than Caine - might see some casual interest in Stryker 2 or another bully caster but not at highest competitive levels.

JP - 2

A more expensive character warjack that is worse than its regular version… I feel like I’ve seen this before.

It feels like this warjack’s entire purpose in life is to shoot at shifting stones. For 7 points, I think I can find a better answer.

The only reason this doesn’t get a rating of a 1 is the stealth granting ability can allow for some early zone domination by a highly mobile warcaster. It might be worth experimenting for that reason alone.

Trench Buster

DG - 1

3 points is incredibly hard to balance as a solo. Combos with a bad unit type to boot.

BW - 2

His rules work so hes not a 1, but hes overpriced and suffers from a back of the card that is frankly too full similar to all trenchers. Also not a 1 because he provides an out of activation unjammer. But since trenchers are already not popular i dont see him getting much interest or play other than theme forces (Bad seeds Anyone?)

JP - 1



In addition to the Skornergy being strong with this one, the Trench Buster does nothing that can’t be replicated elsewhere demonstrably better and/or cheaper.


DG - 3

Not as strong as the Stormwall but will see play in the right list. Getting constantly pushed back by a control caster is going to be aggravating.

BW -- 3.5

Well designed Stormwall alternative - Stormwall is bonkers and the fact you consider taking this guy over him with some casters tells you just how good he is. Excited for the synergies and some of the power AOE 4's might offer that haven't really been explored. Only thing holding him back from a 4 is Turbulence. That rule is dumb.

JP - 2

It’s a point cheaper than the Stormwall, yay! There is a bit of give and take on the Hurricane, but I think the ‘Take’ was just a hair too high. The main guns are reduced in POW by 2 (Ouch!), and electro-leap is stripped from the shock fists. The loss of the storm pod is a major blow to the newest colossal for big blue, that and the lack of covering fire templates change his game considerably. For these, you get an Arc Node, Cortex damage on the fists, and the super interesting Storm Emitters. I think the Arc Node is a great idea that just doesn’t work; it’s just too easy to engage Hurricane. The Cortex damaging fists only exist for Colossal on Colossal combat. Those storm Emitters are the saving grace of Hurricane. I think Hurricane will take a backseat to Stormwall with a few exceptions, but I do expect to see him now and again.


Anson Durst

DG -3

Very meat and potatoes. Feat has real order of activation issue and is hard to get value with infantry.

BW - 4.5

Menoth Jacks are the best in the game and he delivers them.


DG - 2- While it looks fun, this doesn't solve any of the typical problem that light jacks encounter.

BW - - 2

Some Skornergy - but turns out choir polishes anything

Hand of Judgment

DG - 4

A really incredible jack. Getting the ancillary attack off so that it can charge for free is hot. Only not a 5 because not all PoM lists want to play with fire.

BW - 4

He is a 6 with Feora 2, Rat 7 sprays are still legit. Fire immunity and Ravagors shooting at stuff around him keep him from being a 5 overall.


DG - 4

Making it easier for PoM to one round heavies at range is what the game really needed. Sometimes PP forgets the choir exists.

BW - - 4

I hate shadow pact (read legion)


DG - 3

This is more what a 3 point solo should look like. He is held back slightly by being forced to work with a specific unit.

BW - 3

Harbinger Synergy's - valid mix of solos



DG - 3.5

Has a solid game plan, if incredibly one dimensional. Better hope your opponent doesn't deny spell casting.

BW - 3

She's a 1 trick caster but its a good trick

Mad Dog

DG - 1

What Khador really needed was a all jack release with two new Berzerkers.

BW 1

Jury Rigged and Unstable Cortex? Pow 14? 5 Points makes this palatable - but i dont see anyone ever taking it except for funsies


DG - 2

It's a shield guard I guess? If only Ogre Bokurs didn't exist...

BW - 3

Arm 20 Shield guard - thank you


DG - 5

Incredible jack. Easily playable outside the Butcher as well. The ability to fuel itself may even let a Khador player play two jacks.

BW - 5

Butchers are good, Ruin with Butcher is incredible. Hes a better beast and a great eEryiss alternative


DG - 3

When you need a heavy with reach and pathfinder its at least cheaper than the Konquest? Playing the light the enemy caster on fire game is a thing I guess too.

BW - 2

I don't like the 20 point rat 0 randomness. It will win you games. It wont win you tournaments.



DG - 4

I really like the soul collection mini game she can play. Still has issues due to the huge base.

BW - 3.5

She really needs a nuke. The inflictor will make her work, but she still up against a bunch of 4's and 5's.


DG - 3

A weird collection of rules attached to Cryx jack chassis. Continues the Cryx tradition of working best with a different caster.

BW - 2


DG - 4

A better range platform then the Kraken and it can regen McThralls.

BW - 4

Kraken's are collecting dust


DG - 2- Another light jack? Yawn.

BW - 1

Soul Trapper

DG - 4

Has a turn delay and you need to be able to collect souls. Still an incredible release that will see play with plenty of Cryx casters. 2-3 extra focus make a huge deal for spell assasinations. .5 points each too.

BW - 3

He is one point and he'll get played



DG - 2

Doesn't provide any dependable support except for two expensive single target buffs. Another ret caster who is defined by winning or losing on the feat.

BW - 4


DG - 3 -

Likely the best of the lights this book and may find a place with eVyros. Doesn't do anything for Gary.

BW - 3


DG - 4

A weird release but one that has grown on me. Immunity to fire can be really potent. Works great with Griffondor.

BW - 4


DG - 3 - Another solid techy Ret shooting option.

BW - 2


DG - 3 - A great one point solo. Needs the right matchup to be effective but at a point I can't complain too much.

BW - 3.5


The Devil's Shadow Mutineers

DG - 3. Cryx needed a second character unit. Will see play with Pirates too.

BW - 3. Good Cryx Guns.

Siege Crawler

DG - 2. Battle engines are bad, and PP should feel bad.

BW - 2 (2.5 with earth breaker)


DG - ??? No one cares about Cephalyx

BW - I'm not reviewing Cephalyx

River Raiders

DG - 2 - Cool abilities but they are going to have a hell of a time triggering them. Maybe worthwhile as bodies to contest with?

BW - 0

JM - None of these models will work for Skorne.

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