Friday, March 27, 2015

What I've been enjoying about Ret

So I've actually been enjoying my Ret games far more than recent games with either Khador or the CoC.  I've been somewhat surprised about this, especially as I've just been kicking around rando Ret tier lists mostly.  It also likely helps that they are far far more different from Skorne than either Khador or CoC.

1.  The Daemon
Hellmouth on a gun has been a lot of fun.  Its great at killing infantry and the pull in is rather techy.  Its helped me outright win one game by hitting pDenny and killed the stone UA in a second game during turn 2.  Having accurate guns in general has been great, but the Daemon's has been the best.

2. Weapon Masters
The base Immortal Package is 11 points, which is also the cost of a full unit of Dawnguard Sentinels.  Guess which one is way better then the other?  Weapon masters still do disproportionate damage but its nice being on the delivery side of that for a change then watching a untouched Titan disappear to 3 circle chickas with daggers.

3. Battle Mages
Honestly, things should only be able to be pushed or pulled once per turn.  Until that gets fixed the ability to pull things half way across the table will continue to be abused by this Ret player at least. Nothing says great gameplay like killing a heavy without reprisal.
Randomly these guys also have 2 attacks, beatback and anti-shooting tech.  Just a really solid unit all around.

Now not everything has been great.  Honestly its hard to get any work done with their melee jacks against the wrong opponents.  A Stalker with plenty of woods to sprint back to and stones to teleport with is a real problem for a Ret player.

I've played the pVyros tier for 5 games or so now, the Rahn tier once and Force Wall once.  I'm kinda curious if there are any other fun ret lists to play.  I need to try out the newest caster sometime too.

[Randomly on the topic of Ret they are one of the infantry spammiest armies I've seen locally.  I watched a Ret vs. Menoth game that had a total of 3 light jacks in a 50 point game.  Its kinda obnoxious to see, but not impossible to deal with.]

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